tips for healing

one. ICE

You can use ice on the area for 20 mins at a time with a 40 min break in between a few times in a row if necessary. This will help decrease inflammation. Most people gravitate toward heat because it is comforting and soothing. Heat actually increases inflammation. However, if you want to use heat to “loosen up” we recommend using wet heat like a hot shower combined with safe levels of stretching followed by ice. This works wonders by helping to pump the inflammation out.

two. LISTEN to your body

During the beginning of your treatment plan while your body is acclimating to getting adjusted make sure you listen to your body. It’s not a time to push yourself extremely hard at the gym or in the yard, etc. Normal daily activities are fine, but rest when your body wants to rest, and focus on things that are restorative vs. taxing! Don’t over do it.

three. HYDRATE and nutrition

Hydration is key to flush out pain and inflammatory chemicals that have been built up in your joints and surrounding tissue. We recommending drinking a minimum of 80oz of water a day and shooting for 120oz! Choosing nutrition that is healing such as more organic fruits and vegetables and less grains, sugars, processed foods, and caffeine can assist your body in healing. Our food serves as the instructions for telling our body how to function kind of like our nervous system does. So, the better the fuel, the more instructions for healing your body will receive!

four. stay committed to LONG-TERM results

Healing is not a linear process. It happens in phases and each adjustment builds on the last. It is a cumulative effect. Those who stick to their Doctor’s recommendations get the absolute best results. We measure progress along the way and know that your body will heal in cycles. You may start sleeping better, feeling more energized, less foggy headed, and have better digestion before your headaches or low back pain or fertility (whatever you are here for) start to improve and resolve and that is NORMAL. Trust your body’s intelligence to do what is innately right for you along the way, because now more than ever it is going to be able to coordinate and control your body functions better than ever before. So, just remember healing is like climbing a mountain, its not a straight vertical climb, it is a process.


Always communicate with your Doc about any questions, changes in how you are feeling or concerns you may have about your health and wellness. We are here to be your guide and walk this journey out with you and support you along the way! Together, we will help you be the healthiest version of yourself!


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